Jan Możdżyński
The Greatest Freaks On Tour
REDAN Gallery
Amiralsgatan 9, 211 41 Malmö
Vernissage + Atelier M.O.D sneak peek
Friday, September 8
Exhibition period
“When somebody’s wearing a mask, he’s gonna tell you the truth. When he’s not wearing a mask, it’s highly unlikely,” said Bob Dylan in the documentary film about his Rolling Thunder Revue concert tour in 1975. A similar logic seems to apply to the otherworldly rock star motifs in the oil paintings by Możdżyński. Together they would have been a perfect decor for the room of a revolting teenager in another dimension. One where the idol, which in this case is both snake-faced and claw-fingered, is not the object of desire (as it would have been in our dimension). Instead the instruments themselves are soaked in just that erotic energy that gets that teenagers lust for life going.