Archiwum Ludlow38: Elka i Maria Krajewskie
1 października 2011
Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies Ludlow 38
On the occasion of the exhibition Rituals of the Art World and coinciding with the NY Art Book Fair, MINI/Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies Ludlow 38 hosts a presentation of Artforum Special 2008 by Maria Krajewska and Elka Krajewska.
Maria Krajewska, who lives in Poland, has over the years collaborated with her daughter Elka Krajewska, her only proxy in the art world. After reading Katarzyna Kobro’s biography and visiting the Grey Art Gallery Geometry of Hope exhibition in 2007, Maria started to develop a series of sculptures inspired by the constructivist tradition. Another collaboration began in 2008 during a visit by Elka to Maria’s studio in Warsaw and resulted in the production of a unique self made publication, the Artforum Special 2008, with contributions by Rey Akdogan, Heidrun Holzfeind, Agata Bogacka, Michal Budny, Paul Charbonneau, Luke Cohen, Britta Deardorff, Guy Goodwin, Arnold Helbling, Barbara Imhoff, John Kelsey, Anthony McCall, Warren Niesluchowski, Kristin Prevallet, Rebecca Quaytman, Melissa Ragona (interview), David Reed, Christian Scheidemann, Phillip Schulze, Emily Sundblad, Joanna Zielinska, and Ellen Zweig.
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